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Operation Dawn Flag Day 2024

本會已獲社會福利署批准於2024年4月27日(星期六)在九龍區賣旗籌款,並誠邀大家參與賣旗義工活動,詳情請參閱海報或致電本會(2714 2434)查詢。申請者請於下方下載報名表格,填妥後以郵寄、傳真(2713 0124)或電郵(方式交回本會辦事處。


Dawn Island Open Day 2024

Taking drugs is getting ever more common these days, and it is a known fact that drug abuse causes serious physical and psychological harm to addicts, which costs them broken relationship with family and loss of career and direction. Operation Dawn has been putting much effort in helping drug addicts to break their addiction and gain a new life by means of the Gospel, the good news brought to us through Jesus Christ. Our sincere invitation to you all to come to our Open Day on Dawn Island to witness the life transformation our students experienced and their reconciliation with themselves and their families. We welcome members of the public, particularly the youth and young adults, to come and learn more about the hazard of substance abuse and the reassuring message of a drug-free life.


The Reconstruction of Dawn Island and the Inauguration of the New Buildings

Introduction: Ever since the Gospel Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre of Operation Dawn was moved to Dawn Island (used to be called Town Island, 伙頭墳洲 [ Fo Tau Fan Chau]) in 1976, we had been using steel shacks as residential houses, classrooms, and function rooms. Water supply and electricity facilities were rather basic: our drinking water must be shipped in from outside and we needed to collect rain water for our daily use by a small reservoir; our diesel generator could only provide intermittent electricity in a certain period of time every day.
